Saturday, November 17, 2012

Video Speaking Volumes

When this video was free in itunes, I downloaded it and forgot it for around a week. When I watched it the first time, I decided I liked the song. A few views later, I was raving about it on facebook, twitter, etc, because there are a few subtleties that I adore. And I've been a Kimbra fan ever since. So, thanks to the girl who lit her dolls on fire, because you're living proof that not everyone in the world has forgotten how to be clever. Art for the sake of art, I salute thee.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I met a Dalek the other day!

I have to say, Seattle pretty much rocks. So does my brother. He made it even more fun to just run around the city till our feet fell off. So do the photo opportunities. The wind makes it a little bit harder to keep a steady hand, but the sights are truly happy-making. I hope we go back sometime soon.