Saturday, December 15, 2012

Creatures of Darkness

Remember when you were little and you jumped into your bed with a running start, because something was under it waiting to grab your ankle and drag you under? My mom used to tell me that she liked  dark and quiet, because they're peaceful. Peace?! My ears do protest! I can't be the only one who hears the evil chuckles in the walls, and feels the invasive presence in the shadows.
We've got solid proof that monsters do exist, thanks to Steven Moffat, Terry Rossio/Ted Elliott, Disney, and Pixar. You know they did their research on their stories; how could they make films based on lies or conjecture? Also, how can anyone turn out the lights without some kind of portable light in their other hand? 
Despite the many reasons to fear it, night has strange gravity to it. If you let it, it pulls you out of the daytime and tries to keep you. That's when the monsters come out of hiding. There's no way out, and you can't find the light switch.
Even the stars in the sky are wiser than to put out their lights while they sleep. Am I exaggerating? Yes. But when I watch the stars and trace constellations, I can't help but think about what could be hiding somewhere in between them and me. I can't help my fear of finding out what that something is. "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." Curiosity killed the cat.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Video Speaking Volumes

When this video was free in itunes, I downloaded it and forgot it for around a week. When I watched it the first time, I decided I liked the song. A few views later, I was raving about it on facebook, twitter, etc, because there are a few subtleties that I adore. And I've been a Kimbra fan ever since. So, thanks to the girl who lit her dolls on fire, because you're living proof that not everyone in the world has forgotten how to be clever. Art for the sake of art, I salute thee.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


I met a Dalek the other day!

I have to say, Seattle pretty much rocks. So does my brother. He made it even more fun to just run around the city till our feet fell off. So do the photo opportunities. The wind makes it a little bit harder to keep a steady hand, but the sights are truly happy-making. I hope we go back sometime soon.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Long Time No Blog...

Today I went outside, and saw a roadblock in front of my driveway. The sign said, "Danger, keep out!" I realized that maybe this meant I should get out of the area. Had there been a chemical spill? Maybe a thief is hanging out in my backyard! I ran to the back of the house, to the window. Sure enough, There was a patchy-looking wooden structure in the yard. I went outside to see who it was, but as soon as my feet touched the ground, they disappeared! What had happened?! I held up my hands, and they were gone too, so I tried to touch my head, shoulders, knees and toes. (Haha just kidding, but years in nursery have made it so that I can't resist.) Finally, something hit me hard in the face. My hand! I was still there! I must be invisible!
What does this mean?? Oh my cheese and tabasco sauce, it means I can dance around the kitchen in my pjs singing into my spoon and no one will EVER see me!! Oh. But can they still hear me?
I stumbled back into the house, completely forgetting about the maybe dangerous person(s) in the yard, shut the door behind me, and tried to speak. Oh no! I had forgotten how to speak! But just as I began to despair, my voice came out all squeaky and made me jump. Aha! So no singing, then, unless no one was around, otherwise they might find me. I practiced walking as I wondered what I should do first. Rob a bank? No, too mean. Chase people with "floating" objects? Naw, too explainable. They'd never buy it. Espionage? I already do that for a living!
I suddenly remembered the unknown shack builder in my backyard. I should open a can of invisible kung fu on their trespassing butts! And afterward, I could do my hair and makeup and go to the opera. Buah hahaha! So I went outside to see who was there. After my rather bumpy trip through the garage, I reached the little hut and peered inside. No one was there! In fact, I hadn't seen a soul since I woke up, not family or police or intruders. Maybe they were all invisible too... Awww no fun! No fun at all. I decided that I would skip the bad guy busting and get ready for the opera, so I headed for the shower. When I looked in the mirror afterward, I was still invisible. I donned my fancy gown, and it wasn't invisible. Well, I'd sure be a sensation at the opera house. I wondered about what it was that had turned me invisible if I hadn't been able to shower it off of me. It must've really soaked in!