Today I went outside, and saw a roadblock in front of my driveway. The sign said, "Danger, keep out!" I realized that maybe this meant I should get out of the area. Had there been a chemical spill? Maybe a thief is hanging out in my backyard! I ran to the back of the house, to the window. Sure enough, There was a patchy-looking wooden structure in the yard. I went outside to see who it was, but as soon as my feet touched the ground, they disappeared! What had happened?! I held up my hands, and they were gone too, so I tried to touch my head, shoulders, knees and toes. (Haha just kidding, but years in nursery have made it so that I can't resist.) Finally, something hit me hard in the face. My hand! I was still there! I must be invisible!
What does this mean?? Oh my cheese and tabasco sauce, it means I can dance around the kitchen in my pjs singing into my spoon and no one will EVER see me!! Oh. But can they still hear me?
I stumbled back into the house, completely forgetting about the maybe dangerous person(s) in the yard, shut the door behind me, and tried to speak. Oh no! I had forgotten how to speak! But just as I began to despair, my voice came out all squeaky and made me jump. Aha! So no singing, then, unless no one was around, otherwise they might find me. I practiced walking as I wondered what I should do first. Rob a bank? No, too mean. Chase people with "floating" objects? Naw, too explainable. They'd never buy it. Espionage? I already do that for a living!
I suddenly remembered the unknown shack builder in my backyard. I should open a can of invisible kung fu on their trespassing butts! And afterward, I could do my hair and makeup and go to the opera. Buah hahaha! So I went outside to see who was there. After my rather bumpy trip through the garage, I reached the little hut and peered inside. No one was there! In fact, I hadn't seen a soul since I woke up, not family or police or intruders. Maybe they were all invisible too... Awww no fun! No fun at all. I decided that I would skip the bad guy busting and get ready for the opera, so I headed for the shower. When I looked in the mirror afterward, I was still invisible. I donned my fancy gown, and it wasn't invisible. Well, I'd sure be a sensation at the opera house. I wondered about what it was that had turned me invisible if I hadn't been able to shower it off of me. It must've really soaked in!